Saturday, August 30, 2008

About this blog

Hello everyone!!! This blog has nothing but hilarious jokes. I dont take credit for these, these are jokes that I have heard or read. Jokes will be added from time to time whenever I remember another one. If you have a joke to add, I would be glad to take it. just post it on this blog.

Let the funnyness begin....


ethan said...

hi jaxon its ethan guess what i have a joke 4 u here it is. How do you kill a blonde give her a gernade and tell her its a avacato and tell her before she eats it to take off the string

Jaxon said...

i gotta better one: what do you do if a dumb blonde throws a grenade at you? Pull out the pin and throw it back.

also ethan you forgot to be a follower. you could have been the first one!!! hurry and do it before someone else does.

Sage Pemberton said...

u spelled funnIness wrong!!!!!

kitkat** said...

what is a fallower?????????

So I have one..........

Why did the fierfly go to jail???

Because, he kept flashing people. lolol!! Do you get it??

Jaxon said...

sage what do u mean i spelled funnlness wrong? what are you talking about!!!?!?!?!?

oh, and that firefly joke is funny kitkat. by the way, who are you??

Jaxon said...
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Jaxon said...

sry i had to delete that last comment because i accidentally said the same thing twice.

also, a follower is just a thing that shows that your a fan of this blog. however, if you follow anyomunous it wont show any thing at all. so be a follower!!! (dont do anyomunous though)

kitkat** said...

im kaylie lol so i cant see the code to post a comment on teehees website so i will email it to you

Jaxon said...

which tee hee website? if its the: website i checked it and the code was there

kitkat** said...

you need more jokesmdmfj

Jaxon said...

yeah sorry i dont know if im going to use this blog anymore. ive made too much and now i think im just going to use one official site: so if you want to contact me go there.

i might put a joke page on the teeheeinc site but idk.

Jaxon said...
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